Friday, September 26, 2008

Introduction & Stereotypes

Helloooo people reading my blog. (:

I go by the name of April Maii. I'm half filipina and japanese. I am attending Stanford University. I will soon be graduating college and moving on to medical school, where I will be studying how to become a pediatrician. I've always dreamed of becoming a doctor ever since I was a little girl. But it wasn't until I was a freshman in High School that I decided that I truly wanted to become a pediatrician. With the support of my family I was able to achieve my dreams. Now here I am about to start another journey and become another step closer to becoming a pediatrician.

In my first blog I wanted to talk about the stereotypes, racism, and being prejudice. One of the more well known stereotypes for Asians are that "asians parents are super strict". First off let me say that asian parents are not super strict, they might be strict but not super strict. The reason why they are strict is because they have high expectations for us. They don't want us to miss out on the oppurtunity of getting a good education. I don't blame them. Who wouldn't want to be able to see their child succeed in life?

Why is it in high school and middle school there is alot of racism and people being prejudice? That leads to alot of violence. I remember there being alot of different kinds of fights in high school and middle school. Many of them were because of race. It would be like for example; Asians vs. Mexicans or like; Black people vs. White people. I remember in middle school that there were alot of fights that started with someone talking about someone behind their backs, and then within a few days a fight will happen. With that fight people would take sides, the Asians would go with the asian fighter and the Mexicans would go with the mexican fighter. Sometimes those fights started because someone said a racist comment. Those fights to me are the worst kinds of fights. It's really bad because that's pretty much dissing someone's culture or something like that, and I find that really disrespectful.

Even out of high school there is still alot of racism. People sometimes look at some people weird because they are a different race than them. I find that sad because even after what has happened in the past, people still don't think of each other as an equal. To be different than other people is not a bad thing, to be treated different because your not the same as someone else is bad. I don't get why people are still racist. Violence will occur because of racism, we've seen that in the past already haven't we? Why can't people learn that it's not good to repeat something bad again? I'm hoping that one day everyone will be treated as an equal.

Well that's it for now. (:
I'll write another blog next week.
-April Maii (: