Saturday, April 25, 2009

Bucket List

I was looking at my friend's Bucket List. & it inspired me to make my own. :]

Things I want to Do Before I Leave This World;
1. Say sorry to the ones I've hurt really bad.
2. Say sorry to the ones I deserve to say sorry to.
3. Thank my parents. We may have had our issues, but they're the reasons I'm here.
4. Stay in America. & Not live in the Philippines.
5. Graduate High School with a high G.P.A
6. Go to a university. & sing "I Love College" while I'm there.
7. Graduate College.
8. Go to Medical School.
9. Graduate Medical School.
10. Marry that Special Someone. <3
11. Start a family.
12. Sky Dive
13. Go Scuba Diving.
14. Have no drama.
15. Travel around the world.
16. Find how many licks it takes to get to the center of a tootsie pop.
17, Be happy with the outcome of my life.
18. Learn from all my mistakes.
19. Let go of grudges.
20. Confess to all my lies and mistakes.
21. Move on from things I need to move on from.
22. Realize things do happen for a reason
23. Loving someone for the rest of my life.
24. Apologize to my family.

That's all I've got so far(:

Thursday, April 9, 2009

Breech Pt.2(;

Ohkie, so on Tuesday my Breech came over and slept here. She left yesterday but her visit has gotten me to think. I noticed that my parents are different when she's around. Liek on Tuesday we went to the park and was out for hours. If she wasn't here or if it was any of my other friends my parents would tell me to just stay home. Or if I could go out, it was only for an hour or hour and a half. But when we were out, we were out for like 4 or 5 hours. Just playing basketball, walking, getting excercise. All that good stuff. My parents and whole family are sooo welcoming to her. When she got at my house my grandma and mom were downstairs. & when I opened the door and she walked in, my grandma and mom got up from the couch and walked sort of fast to hug her. I was liek O_o because if it was any other person they would just have a nod or just say "Hi.". My family really loves this girl. Liek if she was apart of us. They hug her just liek if she was a daughter. They joke around like she's a part of thee family.I'm really glad that they do taht. I was starting to think my family doesn't liek any of my friends. But I guess that was wrong. I'm really glad that my family thinks of her as a family member. Cuzh I think of her as a sister I never got to have. Our cultures are so different yet the same. Iono how to explain it, but that's what I love about our friendship. We have our differences but it's not a lot. We're similar people also. I'm glad she got the chance to sleep over. It's been a while since we've really gotten to "Kik it". I miss hanging out with her. It was really fun staying up till like 4 in the morning just watching movies and playing Grand Theft Auto. x]. It was really nice. She should come over more. Haha. I think it's wonderful that even after all these years, we still haven't gotten into a fight or have gotten annoyed of each other. I guess we truly did know each other in the past life.(: Haha.

Monday, March 30, 2009


Erg. Why must there be drama? Why must we have to deal with drama? It's getting really annoying don't you think? I swear though it feels like when a problem is solved another problem happens. Can't we just all get along? No drama? No beef? Why can't that happen? Someone tell me please. I'm really getting tired of people saying they heard this or they heard that & now they want to confront the people. I mean what's up with that? I mean, yes it's good to confront people about the drama or whatever and solve the issue. But what can you do, when the other person doesn't want to talk to you? What if the other person just doesn't want you in their life anymore? What do you do? Do you just let everything go? Do you just say "Oh. Its whatever now. We'll have our own seperate lives." Is that what is left to do? At the moment, that's what I want to say. I want to say that to this person. But I do'nt know. Hm. I just want to be done with this kinds of things. Hm. I hope everything works out. I don't want to really have anything to do with this person. But eh. Iono. Hm. I want to keep this short & simple. So chyea. Bye for now.

Sunday, March 8, 2009

You Changed My Life(:

Ahh. I watched this Filipino movie today with some family members. It's pretty cool that an American Movie Theater was playing a Filipino Movie. Lol. I swear it had it's corny parts. But it was really cute & sweet.

Ohkie, so it's a sequel to the movie "A Very Special Love." The main characters are Laida & Miggy. They've been dating for 6 months now. They're sooooo in love. That other people find it annoying & corny. At times it was annoying & corny to me. Other times I felt like I could relate to it. The way Laida would call Miggy just to ask how he was. Or if he was ohkie. Or if he needed anything. & How Miggy would always be wherever Laida was whenever she needed him. Or how he would call her "Behbe." Or how everytime one of their phone rang it was the other person saying "Behhh." Liek a little love call or something. Iono. I'm sorry, I'm really just a sucker for love. The way they showed their love was so romantic though. It had it's funny parts. At one point though. Laida was offered a job in Canada. & Miggy was offered a promotion & was going to be sent to different places. They were coming apart already because Miggy was getting jealous of Laida's old best friend from high school, Mackoy. <-- Who by the way is REALLY cuteee. XP Miggy would become really jealous whenever he saw Laida & Mackoy together. But Laida said [I'm translating what she said from Tagalog to English!] "You don't have to worry about a thing. You're my one and only, the best, no one can compare to you, always & forever love." I was like awww ! Than it reminded me of something or someone. ;D But really though the movie is soooper sweet. I would recommend it to anyone. For those who don't speak Tagalog. I would recommend it when there are American Subtitles. (:

Well chyea. That movie was great. I wouldn't mind watching it again. The end almost made me cry. :'] Hehe. Not in a bad way. Maybe?
Find out for yourself! :P

What they said in thee movie;

Laida: "You must really be good at puzzles."
Miggy: "Why do you say that?"
Laida: "Because the day is still early but you already completed it."

HAHAHAHA! I told yooh it was corny ! XD

Friday, March 6, 2009

Before & After.

Why is it that the more you get older, the easier it is for you to get hurt? Remember those times when you would be in kindergarten & the main reason you were hurt were if you fell & scraped a knee or if someone ate your cookie? I do. :] I remember I got so mad when this girl who was like a year or two older than me told me that I was "Too young to use scissors." : Grr. I was soooo mad . I was not too young ! Lol . Oh well. That was before. I would be like those kids that were playing on the monkey bars everyday, rain or shine and just chill there. On top of the monkey bars, I'd play house with my friends. We were kind of violent little children. Haha. Pushing each other around. Lol. Iono why we did that but we just did. We would race a lot too. Being the clumsy person that I am. I would always be the one tripping. I would cry soooo much when I would fall & hurt myself. Now that I'm older, a lot of things make me cry. I'm just like that. It doesn't take that much to make me cry. So much happens now that I'm older. I have to deal with so much more. Too much stuff to deal with is what it feels like. Iono. Sometimes I wish I was that little girl again. Hanging upside down on the monkey bars. Falling almost everytime I ran. I miss those days. I really do, sometimes life is too much for me. I want to go back in time for at least a day. So that I won't have to feel the stress I have to feel now.

Don't you ever feel that way?

Thursday, February 26, 2009

Backstabbing .

Why does it happen ? Why does a person have to talk about another person? Why does this happen a lot? One of my closest friends told me once that a person talks behind someone's back because they have nothing better to do. OR that person's just not in front of them . So there talking behind someone. HAHA . It's a joke people, get it? Lol . Well really though. High school especially, there is a whole bunch of backstabbing . Just so much . People stress about this too . Some people, like myself, dislike backstabbing the most. It's horrible how people can talk about someone or other people very badly behind their backs, but when there right in front of them, they act as if they're friends. I mean if you're going to talk about someone, why not just talk about them in front of there face? So they can see how fake you really are. How you talk to your "friend" about good stuff. But when you're friend isn't there, you start to talk about bad stuff about them. It's even worse though, when you tell other people secrets about your "friend". You know how bad that is? You know what that makes you? It makes you a fake backstabbing liar. You know what's going to happen to you? You'll lose all your friends because sooner or later, you're going to start talking about everyone. & no one wants to be friends with someone that talks about everyone's back. You'll be alone & wondering what went wrong. You had everything already going for you. You had all these friends. You had a good life. But you're going to throw it away. By talking about someone. I don't understand how you're able to live like that. You say one thing to me. & another thing to someone else. I'm not hurting that much because of this person, that I thought I could trust so much could do this to me. I believe in something, I believe in karma. What comes around, goes around right? Well this person will have her/his day. I'm not saying that I'm going to do something. But fate will be taking over & we'll see how she likes it when s/he finds out that they're getting talked about by her/his friends. Good luck to you. I couldn't care any less about you no more. You messed up. So did I. I thought I could trust you. I was wrong. So peace to you now & forever.


Friday, February 6, 2009

Review on Filipino Stuff .

I know most of you guys are going to go ;; Why is she trashing on filipino stuff ? . Look, don't get me wrong, I'm proud to be pinay but sometimes I get so eh about some of the things they do on t.v and movies.

Ohkie, you should all know the High School Musical Series right? Well guess what there is a filipino version of it ! I don't even think it's close to the American version. Like in the filipino version, they still sing and dance but they're also spies. Doesn't that make it kind of different? Haha . That's what the filipinos are trying to come across. That they are different. But really they aren't. They are taking the same scenarios from the american version and changing somethings and saying that it's a completly different thing.

You all know the game show "Deal or No Deal" right? Yupp, there is a filipino version of that too. But instead of the briefcase models just walking down the stairs to model the filipina models dance their way down. Amazing right? Haha . They also play more music than the American version . But there is still a host, a banker, and models.

Ohkie I'll admit this I'm glad that the filipinos bited off this one thing. They are the "Kanto Boys". Haha . They're the filipino version of the Backstreet boys. But they are way funnier. They can crack anyone up when you see them sing and dance . It's better than the American version.

Though filipinos copy some stuff sometimes. They can still come up with really creative things. They can make people laugh and smile and all that good stuff. I get annoyed sometimes when I see that the filipinos in the Philippines are copying stuff. But I mean I have to be proud because I'm pinay right? I'm not trying to say bad stuff about the filipinos & I'm not trying to say that they are the best. I'm just saying that I'm proud to be one of them... ;D

Friday, January 23, 2009

200 :]

Prompt 200 ; Getting stuck in the bathroom on Valentine's Day. :P

One time, my friend uhm let's call her Morgan got stuck in a school bathroom the whole day on February 14,2005. She didn't know what was going on. She just had to go to the restroom during 1st period. She didn't know we were going to have a party that day and that the bathrooms closest to our classrooms were going to get locked. While everyone else was having fun and celebrating a good heart day. She was stuck in the bathroom begging for help. We were singing old love songs and dancing and passing out chocolate. While she was crying wishing for someone to come and rescue her.

She later on did get help. We only had 2 hours of school left, and one of the teachers forgot something in their classroom. So she heard Morgan's screaming and pleading to get out. The teacher got her out at once. Morgan was so sad and mad that she missed Valentine's Day. Especially since she was excited about getting a lot of chocolate. Hm . She learned her lesson. Not to go to the bathroom during 1st period on Valentine's Day. You might just miss out on a party. :]

Ohkie this story isn't true but still. Haha .
More Blog ? Get some . Look back again soon . :]
-April Maii <3

Saturday, January 10, 2009

Risking . [[prompt 69]]

It was Erica Jong who said, "If you don't risk anything, you risk more."
Well you guys, happy 2009 ! Weee . :] Well my first blog for this year is more like an assignment I have to do in my English class.
I agree with the quote above. It's true. Someone very wise even told me before when I was around 13, that I should always try new things or stuff, because if I don't, I'll be asking myself "What If?". S/he said that I shouldn't be a coward because I'll never know if I would like the thing I missed out on. That person was right. Before I would be scared to try new things out. I.e Playing the piano, joining a basketball team, etc. Now that I look back at it, fear was holding me back. I know most of you will be like, "What's so scary about playing the piano or joining a basketball team?" Commitment is what scared me for playing the piano. I would be committed to practicing and playing a lot. I would commit to learning how to play it correctly. I would be committed to a lot of things. I was younger when my parents wanted me to learn how to play. I mean like 6 years old young. I thought that I didn't want to give up my time playing around and watching t.v for something that could've developed into a musical talent. For basketball, well that's one of my ultimate things I love to do. I love playing basketball. It's just a very aggressive game that can ease your stress and anger. I feared joining the basketball team for my freshman in year in high school, because I didn't think that I could make the team. Even though I made my middle school team for both the years I was there. I always thought that I made those teams because I was a tall asian and because it was just out of luck. But I didn't remember at that time when I was in 4th and 5th grade when only two girls could make the school basketball team and both school years I was one of the two girls. I'm not saying that I'm a really good basketball player. I'm saying I have enough experience of being a good b-ball player.
You can risk the smallest things ever and sometimes you don't even realize it. But sometimes when you don't risk things you can loose something more important. I'm not saying that you should always risk something. I'm just saying keep your eyes open, and be aware of what you are risking.
I'll write another blog soon :]