Friday, January 23, 2009

200 :]

Prompt 200 ; Getting stuck in the bathroom on Valentine's Day. :P

One time, my friend uhm let's call her Morgan got stuck in a school bathroom the whole day on February 14,2005. She didn't know what was going on. She just had to go to the restroom during 1st period. She didn't know we were going to have a party that day and that the bathrooms closest to our classrooms were going to get locked. While everyone else was having fun and celebrating a good heart day. She was stuck in the bathroom begging for help. We were singing old love songs and dancing and passing out chocolate. While she was crying wishing for someone to come and rescue her.

She later on did get help. We only had 2 hours of school left, and one of the teachers forgot something in their classroom. So she heard Morgan's screaming and pleading to get out. The teacher got her out at once. Morgan was so sad and mad that she missed Valentine's Day. Especially since she was excited about getting a lot of chocolate. Hm . She learned her lesson. Not to go to the bathroom during 1st period on Valentine's Day. You might just miss out on a party. :]

Ohkie this story isn't true but still. Haha .
More Blog ? Get some . Look back again soon . :]
-April Maii <3

Saturday, January 10, 2009

Risking . [[prompt 69]]

It was Erica Jong who said, "If you don't risk anything, you risk more."
Well you guys, happy 2009 ! Weee . :] Well my first blog for this year is more like an assignment I have to do in my English class.
I agree with the quote above. It's true. Someone very wise even told me before when I was around 13, that I should always try new things or stuff, because if I don't, I'll be asking myself "What If?". S/he said that I shouldn't be a coward because I'll never know if I would like the thing I missed out on. That person was right. Before I would be scared to try new things out. I.e Playing the piano, joining a basketball team, etc. Now that I look back at it, fear was holding me back. I know most of you will be like, "What's so scary about playing the piano or joining a basketball team?" Commitment is what scared me for playing the piano. I would be committed to practicing and playing a lot. I would commit to learning how to play it correctly. I would be committed to a lot of things. I was younger when my parents wanted me to learn how to play. I mean like 6 years old young. I thought that I didn't want to give up my time playing around and watching t.v for something that could've developed into a musical talent. For basketball, well that's one of my ultimate things I love to do. I love playing basketball. It's just a very aggressive game that can ease your stress and anger. I feared joining the basketball team for my freshman in year in high school, because I didn't think that I could make the team. Even though I made my middle school team for both the years I was there. I always thought that I made those teams because I was a tall asian and because it was just out of luck. But I didn't remember at that time when I was in 4th and 5th grade when only two girls could make the school basketball team and both school years I was one of the two girls. I'm not saying that I'm a really good basketball player. I'm saying I have enough experience of being a good b-ball player.
You can risk the smallest things ever and sometimes you don't even realize it. But sometimes when you don't risk things you can loose something more important. I'm not saying that you should always risk something. I'm just saying keep your eyes open, and be aware of what you are risking.
I'll write another blog soon :]