Saturday, April 25, 2009

Bucket List

I was looking at my friend's Bucket List. & it inspired me to make my own. :]

Things I want to Do Before I Leave This World;
1. Say sorry to the ones I've hurt really bad.
2. Say sorry to the ones I deserve to say sorry to.
3. Thank my parents. We may have had our issues, but they're the reasons I'm here.
4. Stay in America. & Not live in the Philippines.
5. Graduate High School with a high G.P.A
6. Go to a university. & sing "I Love College" while I'm there.
7. Graduate College.
8. Go to Medical School.
9. Graduate Medical School.
10. Marry that Special Someone. <3
11. Start a family.
12. Sky Dive
13. Go Scuba Diving.
14. Have no drama.
15. Travel around the world.
16. Find how many licks it takes to get to the center of a tootsie pop.
17, Be happy with the outcome of my life.
18. Learn from all my mistakes.
19. Let go of grudges.
20. Confess to all my lies and mistakes.
21. Move on from things I need to move on from.
22. Realize things do happen for a reason
23. Loving someone for the rest of my life.
24. Apologize to my family.

That's all I've got so far(:

Thursday, April 9, 2009

Breech Pt.2(;

Ohkie, so on Tuesday my Breech came over and slept here. She left yesterday but her visit has gotten me to think. I noticed that my parents are different when she's around. Liek on Tuesday we went to the park and was out for hours. If she wasn't here or if it was any of my other friends my parents would tell me to just stay home. Or if I could go out, it was only for an hour or hour and a half. But when we were out, we were out for like 4 or 5 hours. Just playing basketball, walking, getting excercise. All that good stuff. My parents and whole family are sooo welcoming to her. When she got at my house my grandma and mom were downstairs. & when I opened the door and she walked in, my grandma and mom got up from the couch and walked sort of fast to hug her. I was liek O_o because if it was any other person they would just have a nod or just say "Hi.". My family really loves this girl. Liek if she was apart of us. They hug her just liek if she was a daughter. They joke around like she's a part of thee family.I'm really glad that they do taht. I was starting to think my family doesn't liek any of my friends. But I guess that was wrong. I'm really glad that my family thinks of her as a family member. Cuzh I think of her as a sister I never got to have. Our cultures are so different yet the same. Iono how to explain it, but that's what I love about our friendship. We have our differences but it's not a lot. We're similar people also. I'm glad she got the chance to sleep over. It's been a while since we've really gotten to "Kik it". I miss hanging out with her. It was really fun staying up till like 4 in the morning just watching movies and playing Grand Theft Auto. x]. It was really nice. She should come over more. Haha. I think it's wonderful that even after all these years, we still haven't gotten into a fight or have gotten annoyed of each other. I guess we truly did know each other in the past life.(: Haha.