Thursday, February 26, 2009

Backstabbing .

Why does it happen ? Why does a person have to talk about another person? Why does this happen a lot? One of my closest friends told me once that a person talks behind someone's back because they have nothing better to do. OR that person's just not in front of them . So there talking behind someone. HAHA . It's a joke people, get it? Lol . Well really though. High school especially, there is a whole bunch of backstabbing . Just so much . People stress about this too . Some people, like myself, dislike backstabbing the most. It's horrible how people can talk about someone or other people very badly behind their backs, but when there right in front of them, they act as if they're friends. I mean if you're going to talk about someone, why not just talk about them in front of there face? So they can see how fake you really are. How you talk to your "friend" about good stuff. But when you're friend isn't there, you start to talk about bad stuff about them. It's even worse though, when you tell other people secrets about your "friend". You know how bad that is? You know what that makes you? It makes you a fake backstabbing liar. You know what's going to happen to you? You'll lose all your friends because sooner or later, you're going to start talking about everyone. & no one wants to be friends with someone that talks about everyone's back. You'll be alone & wondering what went wrong. You had everything already going for you. You had all these friends. You had a good life. But you're going to throw it away. By talking about someone. I don't understand how you're able to live like that. You say one thing to me. & another thing to someone else. I'm not hurting that much because of this person, that I thought I could trust so much could do this to me. I believe in something, I believe in karma. What comes around, goes around right? Well this person will have her/his day. I'm not saying that I'm going to do something. But fate will be taking over & we'll see how she likes it when s/he finds out that they're getting talked about by her/his friends. Good luck to you. I couldn't care any less about you no more. You messed up. So did I. I thought I could trust you. I was wrong. So peace to you now & forever.



Penelope said...

Wow, I know exactly how you feel. Everyone talks crap about me. That's why I just let everyone talk. As long as I know I didn't do anything bad, then I know I'm the good guy. I say things straight up and you should just confront that person.

:D-mo said...

fo' sho'
just know that your the good guy, and you should feel glad about that