Saturday, November 15, 2008

Fear and Worrying.

"Sometimes we miss out on the chance of true happiness because of the fears and worries that we have." -Anonymous.

Hi there once again. (:

Well this blog I wanted to chose the topic of fear and worrying. Ohhh. Scary right? Just kidding. It's nothing scary at all. It's just sometimes in one person's life they are either scared or worried about something making them miss out on their chance of really being happy. Maybe this has happen to you my blog readers, or it hasn't happened. I don't know it's your life. I'm speaking from personal experience that this does happen.

Many things happen during someone's life. We all have to make choices even if they are good or bad, we still have to make them. But have you ever had to make a choice, and then become miserable because of it? Have you ever thought that I could've been happier with that choice? Well I have. I mean like I'm happy with some of the choices I have made in the past. But looking back some of the choices I have made make me go "Come on I chose that over that? What was I thinking?" Sometime in a lifetime you start to grow up and mature and wonder "Why did I make those foolish mistakes?" Or "What was keeping me from that?Couldn't I see that the other thing was going to make me happier?".

Sometimes I get scared of thinking of fear. Sometimes, when I am sad or mad or just thinking I begin to wonder what decision has made me feel this way. I wonder how come I couldn't see before which choice was going to make me happy. It sucks looking back at some of my choices and being sad about it. I want to be happy when I think of my past. I don't want to be all sad about it. I wonder why I didn't do that instead of that when it was so obvious that I would be 10x happier. I don't know, I guess with each mistake you really do learn something.

I personally worry alot. Whether it is about my family, school, friends, or anything. I just worry alot. I can't help it, that's just the type of person I am. Normally if a little thing bad happens I begin to worry alot. I need to be more chill about stuff. I need to learn that it's okay to worry about somethings, but not to worry so much about everything. I need to be happy with what I've got while I still have it, instead of worrying that I'm going to lose it. I need to stop wishing for things I don't have and just start appreciating what I do have because once it is gone, I'll be wishing it's still here. I need to stop worrying so much because me worrying so much can cost me my happiness. I really need to start doing all these things.

Could it be that we, as people, have fears of being truly happy? In the world that we live in, are we afraid of being too happy? Do we worry if we are happy and that it's not fair while other people are sad and miserable? I know that we worry about us being happy and everything. But I don't know. Sometimes it seems like we are scared of being happy, i just don't know why.

Want more of my thoughts?
Be patient and your wish will be granted. ;D
-April Maii <333

1 comment:

Jephi said...

It sucks to be afraid of everything. Hey! Look at the bright side, at least you didn't get afraid to be happy. To be afraid of being happy, is when you know that fear took over. It's just like heights right? If your afraid to go up, because you might fall, than that's when you stay watch other people on the rollercoaaster being happy!
A little off topic, but you know what I mean. Take care, Gabriella.
