Thursday, December 25, 2008

2k8 ! (:

First off, let me wish you all a Merry Christmas. (:

Too bad this blog isn't going to be about christmas. Lol. It's going to be my personal reflection of this year. :]. 2008 feels like it just came and went. It's amazing how fast time can go by . It feels like yesterday I was celebrating New Year's with my family. Now here I am a year older. A year somewhat wiser. Blogging about a year that felt just flew right by. This year has had it's ups and downs. But doesn't it always happen like that? One moment you feel like you're at thee bottom. Then you feel like you're on top of the world and thinking about how happy you are.

This year I personally, lost some stuff, but I also gained. I lost another uncle this year. But I'm thinking about the positives. I know that he's happy up there in heaven with his parents and his brother. The thought of that makes me happy. I lost other things also, but losing those things allowed me to gain more knowledge. I learned not to trust people that easily. It has taught me to take life slow, that there isn't a need to rush or get into things. I learned so much this year. I'm glad I did. I also learned how to learn from my mistakes. I'll say, I'm not proud at some of the things I have done this year, but I'm very thankful that now I know that what I did was wrong and that when I have to encounter those type of situations again I'll know what to do. To those who have hurt me this year, thank you, for you have made me stronger. (:

This year may have been sad and bad for me sometimes. But I got through it. I'm glad that I had my family and friends helping me get through this year. I may have lost a relative or friend but I got over it. I may have lost alot of things. But hey, I gained. I've been blessed with a new relative and new friends. Thanks to this year I'm believing in the saying "When a door closes, a new one opens." I've lost alot this year. But I've been able to gain or re-gain. I'm glad that this year has taught me a lot. I think I'm actually starting to mature now. My perspective on life has changed. Back then I would always be thinking of all the negatives in life. I would be wishing for something that I don't have. Now, I'm thankful for whatever I have in life. I don't really wish for things anymore. I'm just glad for what I have. I don't want to lose the things I have so I appreciate them/it while I still can.

2k8;; I've gotten hurt alot this year. But I've learned from it. It could've been the worse year, it could've been the best. All I know is I'm glad that I've gotten through it all. Who knows? Maybe next year will be better or worse. I just know that I'll get through it. (:

Next blog will be the last blog written in 08' >___<
-April Maii <333 (:

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