Friday, October 31, 2008

Happy Halloween ! (:

Well yesh, everyone it is that time of year again. It's a time for everyone to dress up for a day to be something silly, funny, or scary. It's a time to let us all get candy. You know the candy that most of us don't even finish eating till next month. It's a time for girls to dress up as stuff you wouldn't normally see them dress up as. Its the time we get to watch more scary movies ever. The old ones, the new ones, and the ones that just make us jump out of our chairs. It's a time we call Halloween night.

I personally have always loved Halloween. When I was younger I was always excited to see what costume I was going to be able to wear. I was super excited to eat all the candy I wanted and not worrying about getting into trouble for eating it. I loved the feeling of being outside in the cold getting scared because of some of the decorations some of my neighbors would put up. I loved getting scared. I still do.

Now that I'm older, I don't go trick-or-treating, but it's still fun watching all the younger kids and see what they are dressed up as. It's a fun time for all of us. Seeing how creative some of the kids in my neighborhood is always fun to see. I love asking some of the kids what they are dressed up as. Sometimes I see a kid dress up as a ghost or a pirate or a princess. It's cute sometimes when you see a really young child dressed as a Disney Channel princess or something. It's funny watching the kids that are like 8-12 years old dress up as something scary like scream or something like that. I think that what's the funniest though is the teenagers. Have you noticed that they don't even really dress up? They just wear regular clothes then put a tiarra or bunny ears or a football jersey. It's just so played out. The only reason they are doing that is to either get candy for themselves or harass the younger children.

My favorite part of Halloween is watching scary movies. I'm a very big scary movie fan. I'll watch anything that will creep me out or make me so scared that I don't want to fall asleep. It's really fun for me for some reason. Watching scary movies has always been a favorite past-time for me. Scary movies can either be something with no plot line that I will hate, or something with a great plot which I will love. It's always great to watch a scary movie.

Halloween is something people have been celebrating for such a long time. It's a great time to either spend time with family or friends or etc. It's a great time and also a scary one.

Have a fun and safe Halloween everyone ! (:

Another blog will be up soon (:
-April Maii

Saturday, October 25, 2008

High School

High School is a time you start to mature more. You get to have more fun but more responsibility also. It's a time to meet new friends, talk to old friends, and to get ready for the real world. Many people think that high school can either make you or break you. The things you learn while your in high school will help you out in the long run. It's a time for you to occasionally mess up. It's a time for you to learn and a time for you to realize who you really are.

You learn alot during high school, not just educationally but socially and mentally. You learn how to do alot more in classes but you learn some other things then what is taught in the classroom. You learn which type of friends you want and have. You learn about what kind of life you want to have with your family, friends, significant other,etc. You learn how to love, fall in love, and how to let go. You learn how your true friends are. You learn alot during those 4 years.

They might be the 4 years of life. They could be your worse. All that matters is that high school has taught you something important. It taught you that you are getting older and that you need to start to prepare yourself for the rest of your life. In high school you can mess up and you'll still be ok. But if you mess up really badly in life, what will happen? High school doesn't just have educational lessons, it also has life lessons. So pay attention to your surroundings.

This might've been a good blog. But it's true.
Another Blog is on the works. =]
-April Maii (:

Friday, October 17, 2008

My Breech (: Not My Pants .

Ok so I met my breech a.k.a my best friend in 7th grade. We had 4th period together. We met because we were in line together to go to lunch. Her first words to me was "Do you know this kid?". After that we've been crazy together ever since. I mean she is like my other half. It's like we knew each other since we were like two years old. She is someone I thought I knew from a past life.

She has always been there for me. All these years she has been there to protect throughout all the dangers in life. In 7th grade we had one class together. Which was language arts. We made a lot of memories in that class. When we had videos to make in that class we made sure to put one another in each other's videos. 8th grade came and we had only one class together again. This time we had 2nd period band together. She played the clarinet since the 5th grade. I however, did not know how to play a single instrument. But thanks to her and her patience she was able to teach me how to play the clarinet. By the end of the school year I was able to play as well as every other clarinet player in our class. 9-12th grade we had only band together. In 9th grade I switched to play the tenor saxophone while she stayed as a "Clarineter" as like we liked to call it.

Even though we only had one class together each and every year that we've known each other we were so happy that we at least had a class together. I mean how many people in the world get to have a class with their best friend each school year. Many people thought that we were weird in high school, especially in 9th grade. But we never cared because we were always having a good time. We have never gotten mad at each other. I guess we are so close that we just don't ever get annoyed of each other. Even our families are close. I've been calling her mom and dad, mom and dad for years now. She has been doing the same with my parents.

I'm really thankful to have a true friend like her in my life. She keeps me up when I'm down. She's the one I can count on no matter what. If she is reading this she should know that I got her back too. She should know that if she ever needs something that I'm only one call away.

Well that's it!

Another blog? SOON !

-April Maii

Monday, October 13, 2008

Realizing what I had once he was gone......

Exactly 4 years and a day ago, tragedy struck my family. My uncle died. He wasn’t just any uncle, he was my favorite uncle. He was more like a second father to me. His son was even more like an older brother than my cousin to me. Our family was so close.

I’m the first girl born on my father’s side and with that I was always with the guys in my family. I had 6 older boy cousins that we’re always well, being boys. Whenever my cousins took it too far with me I would go cry, whenever I would cry my uncle would be the first to comfort me. He would make things better. He then would find my parents and once I was with them, he would take care of my cousins. My uncle was always protective of me. He always wanted the best for me and to make sure that I knew that I could do anything as long as I put my mind onto it. He believed in everything I did.

In 2003, my uncle was diagnosed with a kidney disease. He lived in Las Vegas, Nevada. I didn’t know that his sickness was so big. I just thought that it was something that he could get cured from. He also had diabetes. Which I thought was ok because most of the people in my family had diabetes and they were doing just fine. I thought that if my uncle went to all his Dialysis appointments that he would be fine in no time. But I was wrong. Within months he was getting sicker and sicker. By October 2003 my uncle and I started having deeper conversations. Whenever I visited him we would start talking about my future and what I should become when I’m older. He started telling me things like what he expected me to become even when he’s no longer on this world. He made sure that I knew that when I was alone and felt like no one understood me to make sure that I knew that he would be there for me no matter what. That he would always be watching me even when he was in heaven.

The last time I visited him was when my uncle and I had a long and deep conversation. We were talking outside because it was summertime and in Vegas of course it’s going to be humid. So while we were talking I realized that he was crying. I asked him what was wrong. He told me that I was growing up so fast and that I was like a daughter to him. He said that he really wanted me to succeed in life. I promised him that I would.

The day before my uncle died, he called my house. No one answered the phone, but he left a message. My uncle was calling my name and asking where I was. I don’t know why but that also happened when my grandpa was dying years before. I was the last person he talked to before he went into a coma. With my uncle it was different because I think that I was the last one he wanted to talk to. But I wasn’t because I didn’t answer the phone. If I could turn back the time I would’ve answered that telephone call and would make sure that my uncle knew how much I loved him. I wish I got the chance to say goodbye. But I didn’t, and that sucks. Oh well, at least I know that he is watching over me right now in heaven. I love you uncle. R.I.P. <3

That’s all for now.
Another blog will be coming soon!
-April Maii

Monday, October 6, 2008

These things I call My Life, My Decisions, My Mistakes.

Ok, so lately I've been thinking. I've been thinking deep about things like I have never before. I have been asking myself things like "what if?" and "what could've been". I've been thinking "did I make the right choice on that decision?". I've been thinking and realizing that every decision I have made in the past has made what I am today.

Normally I wouldn't be the type to think about deep things. Normally, I would be the type that goes with how everything else is going, never taking a chance to think if what I am doing is right or wrong. I want to change that about me. If I took the extra second to think about something thoroughly before I made my final decision, I probably would've have made more "right" decisions for myself. But I don't. I always end up doing what I think is best for me at that time. I never think of how that will affect me in the future.

I'm that type of person that is really impacient. Like in my 9th grade spanish class; "Soy mucho impaciente". (: I always rush things. I never take my time on something. Sometimes it is good but most of the time it's a bad thing. I've been trying lately to become more patient than before. These past two years I've been the most patient I have ever been in my life. Waiting for something to come is sometimes right. You don't always want to wait for something but to rush something is not what life is about.

To me one of the big things in life is to be patient. If you are patient than good things will happen to you. These past few years, I have realized that if you are patient and wait for things to happen than it will. You can't always rush what you want to have. You can't be a little kid and get what you want right away. You have to be patient and wait it out. It's a good thing to be patient but to know when to give up on waiting for something because you don't want to waste the time you have on only one thing or person.

Well that's all I have to say for now.
Will write another blog soon.
-April Maii <3 (: