Monday, October 13, 2008

Realizing what I had once he was gone......

Exactly 4 years and a day ago, tragedy struck my family. My uncle died. He wasn’t just any uncle, he was my favorite uncle. He was more like a second father to me. His son was even more like an older brother than my cousin to me. Our family was so close.

I’m the first girl born on my father’s side and with that I was always with the guys in my family. I had 6 older boy cousins that we’re always well, being boys. Whenever my cousins took it too far with me I would go cry, whenever I would cry my uncle would be the first to comfort me. He would make things better. He then would find my parents and once I was with them, he would take care of my cousins. My uncle was always protective of me. He always wanted the best for me and to make sure that I knew that I could do anything as long as I put my mind onto it. He believed in everything I did.

In 2003, my uncle was diagnosed with a kidney disease. He lived in Las Vegas, Nevada. I didn’t know that his sickness was so big. I just thought that it was something that he could get cured from. He also had diabetes. Which I thought was ok because most of the people in my family had diabetes and they were doing just fine. I thought that if my uncle went to all his Dialysis appointments that he would be fine in no time. But I was wrong. Within months he was getting sicker and sicker. By October 2003 my uncle and I started having deeper conversations. Whenever I visited him we would start talking about my future and what I should become when I’m older. He started telling me things like what he expected me to become even when he’s no longer on this world. He made sure that I knew that when I was alone and felt like no one understood me to make sure that I knew that he would be there for me no matter what. That he would always be watching me even when he was in heaven.

The last time I visited him was when my uncle and I had a long and deep conversation. We were talking outside because it was summertime and in Vegas of course it’s going to be humid. So while we were talking I realized that he was crying. I asked him what was wrong. He told me that I was growing up so fast and that I was like a daughter to him. He said that he really wanted me to succeed in life. I promised him that I would.

The day before my uncle died, he called my house. No one answered the phone, but he left a message. My uncle was calling my name and asking where I was. I don’t know why but that also happened when my grandpa was dying years before. I was the last person he talked to before he went into a coma. With my uncle it was different because I think that I was the last one he wanted to talk to. But I wasn’t because I didn’t answer the phone. If I could turn back the time I would’ve answered that telephone call and would make sure that my uncle knew how much I loved him. I wish I got the chance to say goodbye. But I didn’t, and that sucks. Oh well, at least I know that he is watching over me right now in heaven. I love you uncle. R.I.P. <3

That’s all for now.
Another blog will be coming soon!
-April Maii

1 comment:

Royals said...

hahah hey! I found your blog through clicking through other people's blogs.

[Sad mood]. To tell you the truth, this blog just made me cry. Literally. I have tears streaming down my face while I'm typing this. I'm not only touched, but I can picture you and understand how you felt at that moment.

That's really deep. You're really going to become something, especially for your uncle.

I wish you the best of luck, sincerely from my heart.

I'm going to go read it again. It also gives me & others motivation to strive for better effort.