Saturday, November 29, 2008

My Family <3 -Warning this might be long :]

Hmm . For this certain blog I wanted to talk about the people that I call my family. I'm on vacation with them right now so I thought that it was best to talk about them because I've been able to spend more time with them. Sometimes, I admit that I think that my family is weird and embarrising. But sharing this vacation with them has showed me that I'm lucky to have such a weird and crazy family instead of having a boring and never talking to each other type family. My family consists of my parents, my auntie, my grandparents, and my dogs. (:

On our way to our a little getaway we spent 14 hours together in a car. You would've thought I'd go crazy right? Surprisingly no. I had a wonderful time. My family and I spoke Taglish (tagalog mixed with english) and were just getting to reconnect with each other. Since I'm at school for such a long time. My dad has to go to work from 6pm-3am. My auntie is at work from 9am-6pm. My grandma is at work from 3pm-12am. We never have any actual family time. When we were in the car though we made up for all the times we didn't share together. I felt like a little kid again. When I was younger we would always go on family road trips to places like Nevada, Disney Land, Washington, Canada, Oregon, and many more places. It was times like those that made me always happy. While we were in the car I could tell that my dad was getting sleepy. So to make him wake up I asked my mom to put some music on from our Ipod. I asked her to play songs that could make us dance and sing. So she did. Everybody was quiet but me. I was singing and screaming. I was off-tune. I was dancing like a fool in the car. After a song or two my auntie and mom got into it. They started to go crazy like me. My grandparents laughed it off and tried dancing. My dad, well since he was driving, he used the steering wheel as his drum sets. It was a moment I will never forget. The music was super loud. After a while I got tired and fell asleep. My family though were still singing and dancing. I was glad to have made them wake up.

My parentals ;

My parents are nice, caring , funny , and loving parents. My parents are still married after such a long time. Yes, at times they can be strict about things and yes they can be well parents. But that's what parents are for right? Haha. They have reasons why they are strict and mean. They have reasons why they care about me so much. So whenever they say that I can't do something I know it's because it's what's right for me. My dad is such a great dad. He's the one that taught me a whole bunch about sports. He taught me how to play basketball, football, how to ride a bike, and alot more. Yes, I'm a girl but it doesn't matter because I love doing all of those things. My dad can put a smile on anyones face. When I was in middle school, two of my friends came over to my house one time. We were bored and just listening to music. My dad went to my room and started shaking his "stuff". My friends were laughing so hard that their faces were turning red. I however was so embarrased that my face was just turning red. My friends have always told me that they like my dad because he's so cool and funny. My mom is the one that has taught me about pretty much everything. Sometimes she seems mad but normally she's mad because I did something wrong. I normally don't realize that I've done something wrong till later on in life. My mom is retired already. She has really bad migraines which has been trying to take over her life. But my mother is strong, she's fighting against those migraines. After a long day and going to sleep with a headache. She still knows that tomorrow is going to be a better day. My mother has always told me that I should never be scared to try something, because if I don't try it I'll never know what I missed out on. My madre is a strong women. She's super independent. I hope that one day I can be independent just like her. (:

My auntie;

My auntie has been living with my parents and I for a while now. She has been like a second mother to me. When I was about 3 or 4 my mom used to work grave-yard shift. My mom was there to say goodnight when she left and good morning when she came back. But it was different because I was still really young and I needed my mom to be there with me when I was going to sleep. So my auntie did. She used to sing to me and made sure that I was fine. She always took care of me without ever complaining. She and I have made many little inside jokes throughout our time together. We danced and sung alot. We made memories like we were sisters, friends, and auntie & niece. As I got into middle school she helped me out with troubles I had. She would give me advice about anything I asked advice for. In 9th grade, she pretty much did my hair, make-up, and got my clothes ready for my first homecoming dance. I thought that she did an awesome job. I have respect for my auntie. But at times it's as if she's a sister more than an auntie to me. We get into arguments as if we are sisters. We would joke and talk to each other as if we are sisters. She's like a second mom and a sister I never had.

My grandparents;
My grandparents that live with me are the parents of my mom and auntie. They have been living with us for some quite time now. They have been supporting me and cheering me on since I was a baby. I love them so much. I don't say it as often as I should but they should know that I do. They are pretty much the only people in my family that I'll talk to in complete tagalog sentences. Haha. I don't know. I just feel like they won't laugh at me if I mess up. It's fun because they ask me questions about school and stuff. I'll tell them. Even if it takes me a while because I have to form the answer in my mind. They don't mind as long as I try they say. I'm starting to get more comfortable with my tagalog because of them. I owe them alot. They are always here for me. I admit that sometimes I don't always but I do appreciatte them alot.

Actually, I appreciate having such a wonderful family. If it weren't for them I wouldn't be here today. Without their love and support I wouldn't be who I am now. I thank having them in my life. I don't say it that often but they should know that I am. I am very thankful. I might still be young to some people but I have learned alot life lessons thanks to my family. If any of my family members are reading this, know that I'm glad to have you in my life. Thank you very much & I love you!

Blog viewers be aware a new blog will appear soon. (:
-April Maii . <333


Royals said...

hahaha, your blogs always make my day! (:

Jephi said...

Thank your aunty for me!
She did a great job :)