Saturday, November 8, 2008


Sorry; feeling regret, compunction, sympathy, pity, etc

Have you noticed how many times people say the word sorry? Do you ever wonder whenever someone says sorry if they actually mean it? Normally, I don't, but lately after someone says sorry to me like whenever they accidently hit me, or say something wrong, or hurt me without them knowing i ask myself, "do they really mean it?".

People normally say sorry just because it's a habit. I say sorry alot. I don't know. I just say sorry whenever I think it's neccesary. Sometimes when I say it I mean it. Sometimes I say it because I think it's the right thing to do. Sometimes I say it to my friends whenever I talk to them and just say it out of nowhere, normally then I wouldn't mean it.

Whenever my friends and I talk and say something funny but think that it will hurt the other person's feelings we don't think about saying sorry we just do it because we think it's what's right. I mean like I know when my friends say sorry they mean it whenever it's something real. But when we joke around, I wonder if they really mean their sorries.

Whenever someone gets into a fight with another person and they resolve their problems and say sorry do they really mean it? Are they not going to hold a grudge? Are they really forgiving the other person? If you don't say sorry alot but say it whenever you truly mean it does it make it better or worse then someone that always says sorry but only sometimes means it?

I would just like it if people said sorry and actually mean it. Tell me is that too hard to ask for ?

Soon another blog will be posted (:

-April Maii <3>


lisasaywhat. said...

i feel what you mean.
I've been in that way or feeling.

I've always felt sorry or regret for something I did.

Then it taught me a lesson that I knew I would need.

Haila said...

I hate it when people say 'sorry' and aren't sincere about's like saying 'I love you' just to hear yourself say it.

Comment on my blog =)